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can you please upload a downloadable version for windows?

I love the inked art style!

I really liked this! The art and puzzle concepts are both really cool.

I also got stuck on the snowman wall because it's not very intuitive that you can push the snowman after he forms (because running into him kills him, but if when he spawns and you're pushing him, he gets pushed). It kinda feels like a bug that you could do that, but luring the snowman over doesn't work.

Also, I don't think I saw any prompt for the button to interact with the guy who wants the sunflower so that also took a bit to figure out.

okay, I'm kind of stuck.
gave the dude the apple (missed what he said), also got the key and the plank.
after that, no idea what to do.
you can fall down the hole, left soem wall that you cant do nothing about. and right is jsut a way to get back up, no way to continue further right.
saw the guy wanting sunflowers but havent found any.
also no idea where to use the plank and the key.

maybe the apple dude said soemthing interesting but now when going to him he jsut tells me about loving apples.

Also, at the stat, I dont see how to cross the fly puddle.
after like 3 deaths or so some stone appears that I am sure wasnt in that poodle before.
is that normal?

nevermind, did it.
you might wanna make it so that if you interact with an already open chest, yopu dont get the item again.

it didnt break anything and game seems to consider the individual apples differently anyway but still.

the snowman thing wasnt bad, jsut a bit tedious.

oh and credits disappeared in like a second, so I couldnt even read them if I wanted

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! The chest issue was a bug, due to time I just have it now removing the chest completely to avoid confusion. I've added more rocks to that puddle too. Not sure why it was not appearing at first.

I lowered the snowman wall thing to only 2 hits. I agree it's a little tedious haha.

I also fixed the message from that first guy. It should always give you that hint that you missed. 

Thanks for the credit info! I fixed that timer too.